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DUI Cases and Trials: Know More About Them

One of the most common cases in almost anywhere in this planet is DUI cases, since it is mainly due to the fact that there is significantly a whole lot of DUI accidents that is happening all over the planet. Everyone who experienced going to a trial knows that it is really stressful and expensive, especially if the defendant has lose the trial, and so, in this article, we are going to mainly focus on all the stages that would happen in a DUI case trial.

The DUI cases is also a criminal case, so just like every criminal case, it should follow a set of stage that would mostly begin with an arrest and could possibly end up in different set of conditions, such as conviction, acquittal, appeal and then plea. Though a DUI case trial may look like and sound like a typical criminal case trial, there are indeed a small number of differences between them.

First thing that would happen is that you will get arrested, then you will be booked and would end up to either getting post bail or you will simply be released on your own, afterwards you will be arraigned, then the court will read all the charges against you and you will then have to enter a plea stage where you will have to tell the court that you are not guilty or otherwise. If ever you are not yet pleaded as guilty, then it would start your preliminary hearing happening afterwards, where the judge will then seek enough evidence that they would need to continue the trial, finally, your DUI case trial will then have to happen, which is in fact a very rare occurrence in this present day.
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If you are convicted of a DUI after your plea, you will be sentenced, and the penalty that you would receive differs in the state you are in. In most general cases, you would either lose your driver’s license in a period of time or permanently, you may also get your car impounded, or you might have to be jailed for a minimum amount of time, and finally, you will also be required to go to an alcohol awareness class.
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One of the ideal thing you can do is to consult with your local DUI lawyer so that you will be able to get a much accurate information about your states DUI laws. Luckily, in this present day, it is relatively easy to acquire a good DUI attorney that could be able to help you with your case, since you can basically just go visit a law firm in your local place, or just simply visit an online law firm website where you can get the contact details along with the credentials of a DUI attorney.

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