Blog Writing Service Launched by Local SEO Firm The HOTH
(St. Petersburg Beach, FL)–In the past, seo marketers made their living cramming keywords into content, often even using irrelevant but popular keywords just to attain visitors. Today is a new world in the SEO marketplace, where the new rule of thumb is “Content is King.” One of the most popular ways to convey new content, according to Clayton Johnson, spokesperson for The HOTH, a local SEO firm, is through the use of a blog.
According to Johnson, blogs offer a number of advantages for businesses. “It doesn’t matter if you are a small business, or a large international firm, blogging is fundamental to an online content marketing strategy. Of course, the number one goal of a blog is to drive more traffic to a website, but it does far more than that. It establishes the company as an industry leader, setting your brand up for success.” However, … Read More